Consumer electronics

A high number of promoted SKUs cannot be kept up to date

With hundreds or thousands of site pages, it is quite challenging to update ads and monitor the relevancy of every single product. We have developed our own scripts that help our clients automate their PPC, SEO, and retention marketing processes.

Unprofitable ads of low-margin products. Low average order value

Demand flows are permanently fluctuating. By creating individual strategies for every channel, we accentuate products with the highest margin. This way, we emphasize an added value of low-margin products in ads and messages to increase the price or units per transaction.

We use all our creativity whenever your return on ad spend (ROAS) is at stake.

Launching a new category in the store

Our clients mostly bet on a new category once they try to expand their business. At Media Moris, we will help you analyze the best-fit  categories and their positioning, the way you can optimize a new site structure, and launch an ad campaign to get faster results.

We take every new category as a  new business. We are here to support you all throughout the process.

Vendor ad budgets

While most of our consumer electronics and home appliance industry clients work with supplier budgets, we have gained a wealth of experience here.

Media Moris will help you attract the audiences with the highest purchase intent and get the most conversions so you can impress vendors with perfect reports and continue your partnership.

A failure to connect offline and online analytics

It is rather challenging to track both online and offline sales at a single point. Our analytics team will build custom-made dashboards with all the data you need. This will help you  deduce all correlations between session numbers, ad views, store visits, and possible conversions.

Seasonal changes in product demand

We know how vital it is to get maximum profits from ads during a high season. Media Moris will duly plan all required promotional events in advance to ensure  your best visibility in search results and form a sound customer perception of your brand.

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